Radio Frequency Susceptibility

RTCA DO-160 – Section 20.0 – Radio Frequency Susceptibility (Radiated and Conducted)


These tests determine whether equipment will operate within performance specifications when the equipment and its interconnecting wiring are exposed to a level of RF modulated power, either by a radiated RF field or by injection probe induction onto the power lines and interface circuit wiring.
Two test procedures are used:
  1. From 10 kHz to 400 MHz, the equipment under test (EUT) is subjected to RF signals coupled by means of injection probes into its cable bundles, and
  2. for frequencies between 100 MHz and the upper frequency limit, the EUT is subjected to radiated RF fields. There is an intentional overlap of the tests from 100 to 400 MHz.
Radiated susceptibility tests from 100 MHz to 18 GHz may be conducted using methods and materials as described within Section 20.5 (Anechoic Chamber Method) or Section 20.6 (Reverberation Chamber Method). The choice of methods is at the discretion of the applicant.
Equipment with special signal, frequency, modulation or bandpass characteristics may require test variations as specified by the applicable performance standards.
The result of these tests can be used to:
  1. Determine equipment response to various RF threats such as HIRF, T-PEDs, and
    installed system’s emissions, and to
  2. Permit categories to be assigned defining the conducted and radiated RF test levels of
    the equipment
These tests are sufficient to obtain environmental qualification for radio frequency susceptibility of the equipment. Additional tests may be necessary to certify the installation of systems in an aircraft dependent on the functions performed.


DO-160 is a standard for environmental test on avionics equipment published by RTCA, the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics. The DO 160 G was amended and now all guideline inside it are replaced by the DO 357.
On our website you can find only some abstracts of the document, for the full text of the guideline you have to purchased it from RTCA.
We remember you that now DO 160 G cannot be read without DO 357.
If you need any interpretation regarding the text of such standard, please contact CELAB.
CELAB is the only Italian (and one of the few European) member of the RTCA Special Committee 135, the commettee for devolpment of DO 160 G.


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