Radiated Emissions

MIL STD 461 – Radiated Emissions


RE101 Radiated Emissions – Magnetic Field, 30 Hz to 100 kHz

This requirement is applicable for radiated emissions from equipment and subsystem enclosures, including electrical cable interfaces. The requirement does not apply to radiation from antennas. For Navy aircraft, this requirement is applicable only for aircraft with an ASW capability. Test procedure is used to verify that the magnetic field emissions from the EUT and its associated electrical interfaces do not exceed specified requirements.


RE102 Radiated Emissions – Electric Field, 10 kHz to 18 GHz

This requirement is applicable for radiated emissions from equipment and subsystem enclosures, all interconnecting cables, and antennas designed to be permanently mounted to EUT (receivers and transmitters in standby mode). The requirement does not apply at the transmitter fundamental frequencies. The requirement is applicable as follows:
  1. Ground 2 MHz to 18 GHz
  2. Ships, surface 10 kHz to 18 GHz
  3. Submarines 10 kHz to 18 GHz
  4. Aircraft (Army) 10 kHz to 18 GHz
  5. Aircraft (Air Force and Navy) 2 MHz to 18 GHz
  6. Space 10 kHz to 18 GHz
This test procedure is used to verify that electric field emissions from the EUT and its associated cabling do not exceed specified requirements.


RE103 Radiated Emissions – Antenna Spurious and Harmonic Outputs, 10 kHz to 40 GHz

This requirement may be used as an alternative for CE106 when testing transmitters with their intended antennas. CE106 is the preferred requirement unless the equipment or subsystem design characteristics preclude its use. The requirement is not applicable within the EUT necessary bandwidth and within ±5 percent of the fundamental frequency. Depending on the operating frequency range of the EUT, the start frequency of the test is as follows:


Operating Frequency Range (EUT)
Start Frequency of Test
10 kHz to 3 MHz
10 kHz
 3 MHz to 300 MHz
100 kHz
 300 MHz to 3 GHz
1 MHz
 3 GHz to 40 GHz
10 MHz


The end frequency of the test is 40 GHz or twenty times the highest generated frequency within the EUT, whichever is less. For equipment using waveguide, the requirement does not apply below eight-tenths of the waveguide’s cutoff frequency. This test procedure is used to verify that radiated spurious and harmonic emissions from transmitters do not exceed the specified requirements.


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