Audio Frequency Conducted Susceptibility

RTCA DO-160 – Section 18.0 – Audio Frequency Conducted Susceptibility – Power Inputs


This test determines whether the equipment will accept frequency components of a magnitude normally expected when the equipment is installed in the aircraft.
These frequency components are normally harmonically related to the power source fundamental frequency.
This section of DO-160 is intended to provide test procedures and test levels that can be used to test equipment for audio frequency conducted susceptibility of power input lines.
It is the responsibility of the installer to make sure the test results satisfy the certification requirements of the proposed installation.
The user’s guide does not contain requirements; it is intended to provide background information and considerations that improve the likelihood of successful test results.


DO-160 is a standard for environmental test on avionics equipment published by RTCA, the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics. The DO 160 G was amended and now all guideline inside it are replaced by the DO 357.
On our website you can find only some abstracts of the document, for the full text of the guideline you have to purchased it from RTCA.
We remember you that now DO 160 G cannot be read without DO 357.
If you need any interpretation regarding the text of such standard, please contact CELAB.
CELAB is the only Italian (and one of the few European) member of the RTCA Special Committee 135, the commettee for devolpment of DO 160 G.


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