Notified Body EMC

CELAB is Notified Body EMC (Directive 2014/30/EU).
This Directive provides for the use of the notified body on a voluntary basis.
The activity consists of the evaluation of the technical dossier by issuing a technical opinion in which CELAB, as notified body issues a certificate stating that the technical file satisfies the requirements of the EMC Directive.
The use of the notified body is of considerable importance both technical and strategic for a company, since:
  1. Demonstrate to clients and to the public that the technical construction file of the product is properly trained and that the essential requirements of the Directive have been applied.
  2. Allows you to demonstrate to the customs authorities, regulators, postal police, financial police, chambers of commerce and ministries that the technical file is constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Directive.
  3. It is an evaluation made by experts, so the company that uses a notified body has a very high confidence that all tasks were carried out correctly and that you can sign the declaration of conformity.
The process of obtaining a certificate from a notified body is pretty simple, it does not provide for sending the physical product in CELAB, but only the documentation of the technical dossier only by email.
The Regulation of Notified Body for EMC Activities is available on request: contact us for further information!

    Request NOW your certificate!

    * information required


    Company name *

    Address *

    VAT number *

    Email *


    MANUFACTURER INFORMATION (to be filled if the applicant is not the manufacturer)

    Company name





    Product Category *

    Brand Name *

    Product Name/Code *

    Intended use *




    Attach brochures, data sheets or product descriptions (only Pdf, max. 3Mb)
