More than 10 years ago, after a lot of experience in the electronic design, I understood the importance of quality in our products.
The testing laboratory that we were using for the CE marking didn’t satisfy all our requirements in terms of “understanding” of the regulatory requirements, of technical capacity of the staff to understand our technologies and to perform all the range of tests we needed (EMC, Environmental, Safety).
Therefore, I decided to dedicate myself more intensely to the testing activity for the electromagnetic compatibility, abandoning the design, and from that moment on, a large number of new activities have been added to the business of CELAB.
Our mission is:
Providing independent services of certification/inspection/testing/calibration;
Becoming the official partner of all our clients in the verification activities of their products;
Helping our clients in their business activities;
Avoiding anything that may constitute a conflict of interest;
Providing a high level of confidentiality and of security for all our procedures;
Working by rigorously following our quality system and the international standards;
Improving our exchange of expertise through experiences with other companies like ours.